
Notebook, 1993-

MATERIALS & METHODS - A Perspective on Art Education - Activities for Children - Themes & Topics

Drawing & Painting -- Modeling & Sculpting

Fingerpainting -- Mural Making -- Paper-Mâché -- Puppets -- Mask-Making -- Crayon Encaustics -- Crayon Resist Drawing -- Crayon Sgraffito -- Collage -- Mobiles -- Watercolor -- Common Earth Clay -- Salt Ceramic [recipe] -- Clay / plasticene Non-hardening -- Carving in the Round -- Newspaper Modeling -- Paraffin or Wax Sculpture -- Plaster Plaques or Reliefs -- Relief in Plaster -- Relief in Soft Wood -- Repoussé -- Sandcasting -- Working With the Coping Saw or Jigsaw -- Straw/Toothpick Sculpting -- Painting on Window Glass -- Diorama -- Peep Shows -- Whittling -- Wire Sculpture

[From: [Meaning in Crafts. Mattil,, Edward L. Chairman, Dept. of Art, North Texas State University. Third Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1971.]


Whittling is a form of sculpture that is sometimes overlooked in our arts and crafts programs, but children can spend many satisfying hours whittling interesting figures and objects with a sharp pocket knife and a piece of soft, close-grained wood. The scrap box in the local lumberyard will provide enough interesting pieces of soft wood for a whole class of youngsters to do their sculpting with pocket knives. A simple project like whittling can provide many opportunities for creating problem solving in which the child must adapt his ideas or his desire to express ideas to the limitations of the wood and the pocket knife. The teacher should exercise care not to perpetuate the numerous stereotypes that exist in whittling. There are really only two basic rules: keep the ideas simple and original and the knives sharp.

[Meaning in Crafts. Mattil,, Edward L. Chairman, Dept. of Art, North Texas State University. Third Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1971.]



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