
Notebook, 1993-

MATERIALS & METHODS - A Perspective on Art Education - Activities for Children - Themes & Topics

Drawing & Painting -- Modeling & Sculpting

Fingerpainting -- Mural Making -- Paper-Mâché -- Puppets -- Mask-Making -- Crayon Encaustics -- Crayon Resist Drawing -- Crayon Sgraffito -- Collage -- Mobiles -- Watercolor -- Common Earth Clay -- Salt Ceramic [recipe] -- Clay / plasticene Non-hardening -- Carving in the Round -- Newspaper Modeling -- Paraffin or Wax Sculpture -- Plaster Plaques or Reliefs -- Relief in Plaster -- Relief in Soft Wood -- Repoussé -- Sandcasting -- Working With the Coping Saw or Jigsaw -- Straw/Toothpick Sculpting -- Painting on Window Glass -- Diorama -- Peep Shows -- Whittling -- Wire Sculpture

[From: [Meaning in Crafts. Mattil,, Edward L. Chairman, Dept. of Art, North Texas State University. Third Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1971.]

Salt Ceramic

An excellent substitute for clay and plasticene that every teacher can make in his own kitchen or have made by the mothers of the boy and girls in his class is called salt ceramic. It is made by using:

These materials are mixed together in a double boiler placed over heat. The mixture is stirred constantly, and in about two to three minutes it becomes so thick that it follows the spoon in the stirring process. It quickly reaches a consistency similar to bread dough, and is then placed on a piece of wax paper or aluminum foil and allowed to cool. When it has cooled sufficiently to be handled, it is kneaded for several minutes, after which it is ready for use. If wrapped in wax paper or placed in plastic bags, it can be stored away for several days.

Salt ceramic will harden to the consistency of stone and is excellent for painting with any type of paint. It has several classroom advantages over clay. For one thing, it does not shrink when drying and therefore permits the use of any type of armature. Because it dries very hard, it is much more durable than ordinary unfired earth clay. Perhaps the feature that teachers like most is its cleanliness; when salt ceramic gets on the floor, it does not powder and get dust all over the school.

Through the use of the ^armature, a great variety of figures can be created with salt ceramic. If the children have been to the zoo or have seen a film or slides showing many types of wild animals, they may wish to create animals. Without an armature it would be quite difficult to make an animal like the giraffe, with its extremely long neck, or the gorilla, with its large upstretched arms. Using material of this sort often suggests group modeling, in which each child's product contributes a part. To use the zoo as an example, each child could model the part that interests him most. Perhaps the class could do a holiday scene, in which each child selects one of the major or minor figures to model. This sort of activity is especially good when children are ten to twelve years old, and can learn the meaning of cooperation. When the child ses a completed group modeling, he carries away a feeling of satisfaction for the completed project, fully realizing that what the group did as a whole he could never have done by himself.

Lends itself well to making tree ornament or decorations. Among the simplest forms will be little balls that the children can roll in the palms of their hands and into which they can pinch a bit of string that will dry in place and can be used for hanging. When dry, these balls can be decorated with paints or glitter. Smaller balls may have a matchstick pushed through the center of them to form beads of all sizes, shapes, and descriptions; when painted and strung, these make beautiful hangings for the elementary school Christmas tree . . . . pg. 144

[Meaning in Crafts. Mattil,, Edward L. Chairman, Dept. of Art, North Texas State University. Third Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1971.]



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