Acrylic Emulsion Paints - (Acrylic Polymer Tempera)
Acrylic Emulsion Primings such as Liquitex Gesso or New Temp Gesso
Acrylic (methacrylate) Synthetic Resin
Adhesion - Of paint, matter, gesso, oil grounds, plaster, and any other coating to surfaces to which they may be applied
Adhesives - Most Common Adhesives
Aquatint and Intaglio Processes - Engraving, Etching, Drypoint, Aquatint, Stipple Engraving, Crayon Manner, Soft-Ground Etching, Mezzotint
Methanol - [Wood Alcohol, Methyl Alcohol]
Alla Prima or Premier Coup - Direct Painting
Aluminum Hydrate or Aluminum Hydroxide
Aromatic Hydrocarbons - Benzene [Benzol]
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