Notebook, 1993-


[From: Kyriazis, Constantine D. Eternal Greece. Translated by Harry T. Hionides. A Chat Publication.]

Demigods and Heros - Achilles - Aegisthus - Agamemnon - Ajax the Locrian - Ajax the Telamonian - Alcestis - Amphiaraos - Amphitrite - Antigone - Atalanta - Belerophon - Cadmus - Clytemnestra - Daedalus - Danae - Dioscuri - Electra - Europa - Eurydice - Ganymede - Hector - Hecuba - Helen - Heracles - Hippolytus - Icarus - Io - Iphigenia - Jason - Leda - Menelaus - Minos - Nestor - Niobe - Odysseus - Oedipus - Orestes - Medea - Orpheus - Paris - Pasiphae - Pelops - Penelope - Perseus - Phaedra - Phaethon - Phrixus - Priam - Telemachus - Theseus - Triptolemus


The son of Tantalus and Dione or Euryanassa. His father killed him, cut him to pieces, and served his flesh to the gods at a banquet. Demeter, absent-mindedly, ate part of the shoulder, but the other gods detected the nature of the dish. Pelops was restored to life by Hermes at the command of Zeus, and the missing shoulder was replaced by one of ivory. Pelops then went to Pisa in Elis where Oenomaus reigned. He presented himself as a suitor for the king's daughter Hippodamia. The condition of winning her was that he should outdistance Oenomaus in a chariot race. If he were caught, Oenomaus would spear him. Through the intervention of Hippodamia, the king's driver Myrtilus was bribed by her, to take out the linch-pin of his master's chariot, and so Pelops won the race and the bride. [p. 74] Pelops gave his name to the peninsula known as the Peloponnese and according to the tradition, he had dedicated the Olympic games to Zeus. [pp. 74-75]

[Kyriazis, Constantine D. Eternal Greece. Translated by Harry T. Hionides. A Chat Publication.]



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