
Notebook, 1993-


[From: Kyriazis, Constantine D. Eternal Greece. Translated by Harry T. Hionides. A Chat Publication.]

Demigods and Heros - Achilles - Aegisthus - Agamemnon - Ajax the Locrian - Ajax the Telamonian - Alcestis - Amphiaraos - Amphitrite - Antigone - Atalanta - Belerophon - Cadmus - Clytemnestra - Daedalus - Danae - Dioscuri - Electra - Europa - Eurydice - Ganymede - Hector - Hecuba - Helen - Heracles - Hippolytus - Icarus - Io - Iphigenia - Jason - Leda - Menelaus - Minos - Nestor - Niobe - Odysseus - Oedipus - Orestes - Medea - Orpheus - Paris - Pasiphae - Pelops - Penelope - Perseus - Phaedra - Phaethon - Phrixus - Priam - Telemachus - Theseus - Triptolemus


Icarus was the son of Daedalus [see entry] and Nausicrates, a slave girl of Minos. He was imprisoned together with his father by Minos in the Labryinth. He made good his escape by the use of wings which his father had built for him and attached to his shoulders with wax. But rejoicing in the pleasure of flight and freedom, he failed to keep his fathers instructions not to go too near the sun, whereupon the wax melted, the wings fell away and he himself dropped into the sea which today bears his name [Icarian Sea], and was drowned. The story of Icarus has inspired many a poet, writer, painter, and sculptor both in antiquity and later times. Among these were Ovid, Goethe, Zind, Pieter Reubens, Rodin, who tried each in his own fashion to capture the flight and fall of the young airman. [p. 65]

[Kyriazis, Constantine D. Eternal Greece. Translated by Harry T. Hionides. A Chat Publication.]



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