
Notebook, 1993-


[From: Kyriazis, Constantine D. Eternal Greece. Translated by Harry T. Hionides. A Chat Publication.]

Demigods and Heros - Achilles - Aegisthus - Agamemnon - Ajax the Locrian - Ajax the Telamonian - Alcestis - Amphiaraos - Amphitrite - Antigone - Atalanta - Belerophon - Cadmus - Clytemnestra - Daedalus - Danae - Dioscuri - Electra - Europa - Eurydice - Ganymede - Hector - Hecuba - Helen - Heracles - Hippolytus - Icarus - Io - Iphigenia - Jason - Leda - Menelaus - Minos - Nestor - Niobe - Odysseus - Oedipus - Orestes - Medea - Orpheus - Paris - Pasiphae - Pelops - Penelope - Perseus - Phaedra - Phaethon - Phrixus - Priam - Telemachus - Theseus - Triptolemus


The daughter of Tantalus, husband of Amphion, son of Zeus and Antiope, she was the mother of fourteen children by Amphion, seven sons and seven daughters, and one day boasted of her superiority to Leto who had only two children, Apollo and Artemis. Leto was enraged and commanded her children to avenge the insult whereupon Apollo slew the boys with his arrows and Artemis the girls with her weapon. Overcome by this tragedy, Niobe wept for them until turned into a column of stone from which her tears continued to flow. According to another legend, when her last daughter was still alive, she begged the gods to spare her life. This daughter survived, and took the name Chloris from the paleness of complexion at the sight of so many deaths, and later became the wife of Neleus. [69]

[Kyriazis, Constantine D. Eternal Greece. Translated by Harry T. Hionides. A Chat Publication.]



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