
Notebook, 1993-


[From: Kyriazis, Constantine D. Eternal Greece. Translated by Harry T. Hionides. A Chat Publication.]

Demigods and Heros - Achilles - Aegisthus - Agamemnon - Ajax the Locrian - Ajax the Telamonian - Alcestis - Amphiaraos - Amphitrite - Antigone - Atalanta - Belerophon - Cadmus - Clytemnestra - Daedalus - Danae - Dioscuri - Electra - Europa - Eurydice - Ganymede - Hector - Hecuba - Helen - Heracles - Hippolytus - Icarus - Io - Iphigenia - Jason - Leda - Menelaus - Minos - Nestor - Niobe - Odysseus - Oedipus - Orestes - Medea - Orpheus - Paris - Pasiphae - Pelops - Penelope - Perseus - Phaedra - Phaethon - Phrixus - Priam - Telemachus - Theseus - Triptolemus


Son of Neleus and Chloris, and king of Pylos, he was the only son of Neleus to escape death at the hands of Heracles. He fought with the Lapiths against the Centaurs, and took part in the Caledonian boar hunt. He lived to a very old age, and thanks to Apollo, he took part in the war against Troy with ninety ships. He is presented by Homer as a wise and indulgent prince, garrulous and reminiscent, always counseling moderation in the quarrel among the Achaean chieftains. After the fall of troy he arrived safely without incident at Pylos where he lived many more years. He was always respectful of the gods and always just to his fellow-men. [p. 69]

[Kyriazis, Constantine D. Eternal Greece. Translated by Harry T. Hionides. A Chat Publication.]



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