POTTERY AND PORCELAIN - Glossary - A List of Museums and Galleries - Ceramics
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List of Museums & Galleries
Art Museum Network- [The world's largest and most prestigious art museums have joined forces to provide free access to information about their collections, exhibitions, and services.]
Timelines of Art History- - (Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC)
Museum Sites OnLine - [A very useful Resource tool]
A Directory - [A selection of some of the Exhibitions, Collections, and other Resources available on the Web]
British Isles - Porcelain
Art Gallery and Museum, Cheltenham
Bantock House, Wolverhampton
Bethnal Green Museum, London
Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle
British Museum, London
Cecil Higgins Museum, Bedford
City Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent
Fenton House, London
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
Fletcher Moss Museum, Manchester
Glasgow Art Galleries and Museum, Glasgow
Municipal Museum and Art Gallery, Rotherham [Rockingham]
Museums and Art Gallery, Blackburn
Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery, Blackburn
Rapallo House Museum and Art Gallery, Llandudno
Royal Museum and Slater Art Gallery, Canterbury
Usher Art Gallery, Lincoln
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
British Isles - Pottery
Art Gallery and Museum, Cheltenham
Art Gallery, Oldham
Astley Hall Art Gallery and Museum, Chorley
City Arlt Gallery, Leeds
City Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent
Colchester and Essex Museum, Colchester
Glaisher Collection, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
Heaton Hall and Wythenshawe Hall, Manchester
Library and Museum, Buxton
Museum and Art Gallery, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent
Museum and Art Gallery, Nottingham
Public Libraries, Museum and Art Gallery, Bootle
Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery, Blackburn
Public Museum and Art Gallery, Hastings
Roman Town and Museum, Aldbrough [Roman]
Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Gallery, Exeter
Royal Museum and Slater Art Gallery, Canterbury
Schreiber Collection, Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Seqontium Museum, Caernarvon
Williamson Art Gallery and Museum, Birkenhead
Willet Collection, Art Gallery and Museum, Brighton
Ypres Tower Museum, Rye
British Isles - Chinese, Korean and Japanese
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
British Museum, London
Burrell Collection, Glasgow Art Galleries and Museum, Glasgow
City Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham
City Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol
City Museum and Art Gallery, Manchester
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight
Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh
Sir Percival David Foundation, London University
Temple Newsam House, Leeds
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Brussels
Kunstindustrimuseet, Copenhagen
Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen
Musée Cernuschi, Paris
Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris
Musée Guimet, Paris
Musée National de Céramique, Sèvres, Paris
Ostasiatische Kunstabteilung, Ehemals Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg
Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst, Cologne
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm
Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, PA
Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, OH
Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, OH
Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA
Cooper-Hewitt Museum of Design, NY
Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
Frick Collection, NY
Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, CA
Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA
Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, WA
University of Kansas Museum of Art, Lawrence, Kansas
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN
[L. G. G. Ramsey, F.S.A., ed. The Complete Color Encyclopedia of Antiques. Preface by Bevis Hillier, Editor of The Connoisseur. Compiled by The Connoisseur, London. New York: Hawthorn Books, Inc. 1962. Revised and Expanded Edition.]
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