
Notebook, 1993-


Impression - State - Edition - Bon à Tirer

From: Works on Paper Series. Print, Drawing, and Photography Galleries. The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.


S t a t e   C h a n g e s   a n d   E d i t i o n s
"A state is any stage in the development of a print at which impressions are printed. A change of state occurs only with the addition or removal of lines on a plate. Variations that may occur in the inking or printing do not constitute a change in state. Impressions from the plate in its earliest known condition are said to be of the first state, in the second condition second state, and so forth."

© 1984, Museum of Fine Arts, 465 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115. Telephone 617-267-9300.

[From: Drawing Techniques, Gallery Notes P5 - Works on Paper Series. Print, Drawing, and Photography Galleries. The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.]



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