MATERIALS & METHODS - Painting - Fresco
Limitations & Advantages - Painting Procedure - The Wall - Sketches, Cartoons, Transfer - Secco Painting - Brick Walls - New Walls - The Aggregates - The Lime - The Mortar - Making the Lime Putty - Mixing the Mortar - Intonaco - Brown Coat - Plastering the Wall - Rough Cast / Trullisatio - Sand Finish
Pigments - Brushes & Tools - Bianco Sangiovanni
1. The rough cast must be thoroughly wet before the brown coat is applied.
2. The brown coat may be put on in two installments. First, a layer called a skim coat, prepared by diluting the brown coat mortar slightly with water, is applied evenly and thinly. This insures better adhesion and more convenient application of the brown coat to the rough cast.
3. When the skim coat has set slightly, a more substantial amount of the brown coat mortar is applied over it.
4. Finally, the surface is scratched with the comb in all directions to provide a good tooth for the layers that are to follow.
[Kay, Reed. The Painters Guide to Studio Methods and Materials. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1983. p. 178]
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