
Notebook, 1993-


An Introduction - [Harlan, Calvin. Vision & Invention, An Introduction to Art Fundamentals. Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1986.]

Principles of Color - [Wong, Wucius. Principles of Color Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1987]

Light & Color - [Rainwater, Clarence, Prof. of Physics, San Francisco State College, Original Project Editor Herbert S. Zim, Golden Press, NY, Western Publishing Company, Inc., 1971.]

Color Circle - Color Comparison - Color Properties - Color Stability - Color Wheel - Coloring Power / Staining - Diffraction Color - Chroma - Color Chart - Color Effect - Color Notation - Color Scheme - Iridescence - Munsell System - Opacity / Transparency - Opalescence - Ostwald System - Saturation - Tristimulus Values - [Mayer, Ralph. The HarperCollins Dictionary of Art Terms and Techniques. Second Edition. Revised and edited by Steven Sheehan, Director of the Ralph Mayer Center, Yale University School of Art. New York: HarperCollins. 1969. 1991.]

Links - Bibilioraphy


Color [References]

Chronological Bibliography on Color Theory [From c. 380 BC to 1999]

The following two sections 'Color Resources related to Art, Design and Culture' and 'Color Resources related to Science and Technology' come from The Color Group of Great Britain:

Art, Design and Culture:

George Agoston. Color Theory and Its Application in Art and Design: New York & Berlin, Springer Verlag (1979)

J. Albers. Interaction of Color : New Haven, Connecticut, Yale University Press 1963

F Birren. A History of Color in Painting: Reinhold 1965

F Birren. (1963) Color: A survey in words and pictures: Secaucus, New Jersey, Citadel Press 1985

Michel-Eugene Chevreul (1839) & Faber Birren, editor (1987). The Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colors: West Chester, Pennsylvania, Shiffer Publishing.

Robert Cumming & Tom Porter (1991). The Colour Eye: London, BBC Books

Robert & Sonia Delaunay & Arthur Cohen, editor (1978). A New Art of Color: New York, Viking Press

F Gerritsen. Theory and Practice of Color : Studio Vista 1975

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1810) & Deane Judd, editor (1970). Theory of Colors: Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press

L de Grandis. Theory and Use of Colour : Harry Abrams 1985

Luigini de Grandis (1984) & John Gilbert, trans. (1986). Colour for Designers and Artists: London, Herbert Press

M.B. Halstead & J.G. Holmes (eds). The Advancement of Colour - A History of the First 50 years of the Colour Group: The Colour Group, 1991

D. Healey. Living With Colour : MacMillan 1983

I. Hebblewhite. Artists' Materials: Phaidon 19B6

P. Hills. The Light of Early Italian Painting : Yale 1987

W.I. Homer. Seurat And The Science of Painting: MIT 1964

Augustine Hope & Margaret Walch, editors (1989). The Colour Compendium: Color Assoc. of United States

S.Ishihara. Tests for Colour-blindness : H.K. Lewis 1977

J Itten. The Elements of Color: New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold 1970

W. Januszczak. Techniques of the World's Great Masters. Phaidon 1980

P Klee. Pedagogical Sketchbook : Faber 1953

M. Luscher. The Luscher Colour-Test : Cape 1970

A. Kornerup & J.H. Wanscher : The Methuen Handbook of Colour And Colour Dictionary Methuen 1961, 1967, 1978

A.H. Munsell. The Munsell Colour Atlas: Munsell Color Corp. 1915, 1929, etc.

R. Osborne. Lights and Pigments, Colour Principles for Artists : London, John Murray 1980

D. Pavey. The Artists' Colourmen's Story : Reckitt & Colman 1984

Pantone. Pantone Matching System: Pantone 1981. etc.

Hazel Rosotti (1983). Colour: Why the world isn't Grey: Harmondsworth, Penguin Books

Ogden Nicholas Rood (1879) & Faber Birren, editor (1970). The Elements of Color: New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold

Walter Sargent (1923). The Enjoyment and use of Color: Dover Publications (1964)

C. Saxton(Ed). Art School. An Instructional Guide Macmillan 1981

D.T. Sharpe. The Psychology of Color and Design : Nelson-Hall 1974, Adams/Shelton 1975

Tate Gallery. Paint and Painting: Tate Gallery 1982

H. Varley(Ed). Colour: London, Mitchell Beazley 1980

M. Walch. The Colour Source Book: Thames and Hudson 1979

Science and Technology:

F.W. Billmeyer, M. Saltzman. Principles of Colour Technology : 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons 1981

R.M. Boynton. Human Colour Vision : Holt Reinhart 1979

Byrne, Alex, Hilbert, David R. (eds): Readings in Color; V 1: The Philosophy of Color. MIT Press 1997

Byrne, Alex, Hilbert, David R. (eds): Readings in Color; V 2: The Science of Color. MIT Press 1997

M.A. Cayless, A.M. Marsden. Lamps and Lighting: 3rd Edition. Edward Arnold 1983

G .J. & D.G Chamberlin. Colour: its Measurement, Computation and Application : Heydon 1980.

H. Davison (ed). The Eye : Volume 2a. Academic Press 1976

R.M. Evans. The Perception of Colour : John Wiley & Sons 1948

R. Fletcher, J. Voke. Defective Colour Vision: Adam Hilger 1985

R.L. Gregory. The Psychology of Seeing : 3rd Edition, World University Library 1975.

F. Grum, C.J. Bartleson. Optical Radiation Measurement: 2. Colour Measurement: Academic Press 1980

F. Grum, R. Becherer. Optical Radiation Measurement: 1. Radiometry. Academic Press 1981

H. Hartridge. Colours and How We See them: Bell 1949

Maurice Hanssen. E For Additives ISBN 0 - 7225 - 1150 - 7.

R.W.G. Hunt. Measuring Colour : Ellis Horwood 1991 (2nd Edition)

R.W.G. Hunt. The Reproduction of Colour in Photography, Printing and Television: 5th Edition. Fountain Press 1995.

R.S. Hunter. The Measurement of Appearance : John Wiley a Sons 1975

R Jackson, L. MacDonald, K. Freeman. Computer Generated Color - A Practical guide to Presentation and Display. John Wiley & Sons, 1994

D.B. Judd, G. Wyszecki. Colour In Business, Science and Industry : John Wiley & Sons 1979

T. Lamb, J. Bourriau (Eds). Colour Art & Science (The 1993 Darwin Lectures): Cambridge University Press, 1995

K. McLaren. The Colour Science of Dyes and Pigments : 2nd Edition, 1986

J. McDonald. Colour Physics for Industry: Society of Dyers and Colourists

Museums Association. Lighting: preprints of the 1987 MA/UKIC conference : Museums Association 1987

Nassau, Kurt (ed). Color for Science, Art and Tecnology: North-Holland 1998 ISBN: 0-444-89846-8

W.N. Sproson. Colour Science in Television and Display Systems: Adam Hilger 1985

D Travis. Effective Colour Displays: Academic Press 1991

W.D. Wright. The Measurement of Colour : 4th Edition Adam Hilger 1973

W.D. Wright. The Rays Are Not Coloured : Adam Hilger 1967

G. Wyszecki W.S. Stiles. Colour Science (1967): 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons 1982



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