[From: Woolley, Leonard. The Art of The Middle East, including Persia, Mesopotamia and Palestine. New York: Crown Publishers. 1961.]
1.Geography and History --- 2.Elam --- 3.Sumer --- 4.Sumer and Akkad --- 5.Syria & Palestine --- 6.Hurri & Hittites --- 7.Anatolia
Chapter Seven [Notes]
1. One is tempted to suggest that a smilar constructional weakness enabled Cyrus' soldiers to climb the seemingly impregnable walls of Sardes.
2. M. E. L. Malowan in Iraq, vol. IX [1947], PII. 1, 3 & 30.
3. If the excavators are correct in believing that such vases as the 'Bitik vase' [v. supra, Ch. VI, p . 134] with painted decoration in relief were copies of stucco wall plaques then the Phrygian tiles have a local pedigree going back to the second millennium B.C.
4. Seton Lloyd, Early Anatolia, London, Penquin Books, 1956, p. 197.
5. Italian scholars have in recent years discarded the traditional view still generally held that the Etruscans were immigrants to Italy from Asia Minor. The archaeological evidence favours tradition, as does the new anthropological evidence cited by Sir Gavin de Beer in Révue des Arts No. 3, 1955; Cf. also G. A. Wainwright in Anatolian Studies, vol. IX, p. 197.
6. Iraq, vol. XII [1950], p. 38.
7. E. Girshman, in Iran [London, Penquin Books, 1954], says of this Treasure that one group is undoubtedly Assyrian in inspiration and excution, the second typically Scythian, the third is Assyro-Scythian in inspiration but was probably executed by Assyrian artists, and the fourth group consists of products of local workshops, probably Mannian. For 'Assyrian' I would read 'Urartian'.
8. K. R. Maxwell-Hyslop, op. cit., p. 162.
[Woolley, Leonard. The Art of The Middle East, including Persia, Mesopotamia and Palestine. New York: Crown Publishers. 1961.]
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