
Notebook, 1993-



Comments on the history of materials are of interest primarily to conservators and art historians. Eibner and Raehlmann have examined the pigments of antiquity from ancient finds [dated approximately] and have published their results. Apart from trying to reconstruct old methods, Ernst Berger studied mainly ancient sources in the original and compiled his findings in his books. It may sound paradoxical, but it can sometimes be quite troublesome to find the date of introduction of even fairly recent pigments. Research is often hindered by incomplete records. So far no comprehensive history of materials has yet been written. There have never been enough systematic investigations by modern methods and, as a consequence, the historical information given in the List of Pigments is of necessity incomplete. [p. 67]

[Wehlte, Kurt. The Materials and Techniques of Painting. Translated by Ursus Dix. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. 1975.]



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