
Notebook, 1993-

MATERIALS & METHODS - Painting - Oil Painting

Characteristics - Painting Methods & Techniques - Materials and Equipment - Work Space & Storage - Manufacture of Pigments - Protection of the Picture

Oil Painting
Oil Painting on Paper

Oil paintings, especially those of small size, are sometimes attempted on paper or paper that has received some sort of coating to render its surface less absorbent or more adaptable to the medium. Paper is a completely unsuitable material for oil paint from almost any viewpoint--it lacks structural strength and stability, it is alien and inappropriate to the oil medium, and the resulting works are usually very fragile. Almost every oil painting on paper that subsequently becomes of value has had to receive extensive restoring treatment. But pure rag paper or wood-fiber paper certified to be neutral [ pH 6.5 to 8.5], mounted on 4-ply rag board [some dealers call it museum board], would seem to have an excellent chance for survival. [p. 117]

[Mayer, Ralph. The Painter's Craft. An Introduction to Artist's Methods and Materials. Revised and updated by Steven Sheehan, Director of the Ralph Mayer Center, Yale University School of Art. New York: Penquin Group. 1948. 1991.]



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