When the drawings have been completed, the teacher may suggest that the children mix a small quantity of dark water color and brush it over the entire surface of the drawing. The dark water color will fill in all areas that the crayon has not covered and will be resisted on those areas that the crayon has covered. This may give the feeling of a night picture and thus change the entire character of the drawing. A second drawing might be made in which the child definitely uses the theme of "nighttime," or "in the theatre," or "in the dark circus tent," or some similar theme allowing for major portions to be darkened and certain areas to be emphasized.
The child makes his drawing by planning what is going to happen when the water color or, in some cases, ink is washed across it. It is a thrilling experience to see the change that transpires when the water color crosses the paper, the sort of experience that enriches the program and causes the child to work and to imagine in ways previously unknown to him.
[Mattil, Edward L. [Chairman, Dept. of Art, North Texas State University ]. Meaning in Crafts, Third Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1971.]
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