
Notebook, 1993-



Conté Crayon

A very hard, grease-free type of crayon, named after Nicolas-Jacques Conté (1755-1805), the French scientist who invented it. Conté, who worked as a portrait painter in his youth, was also the inventor of the modern graphite pencil. [Chilvers, Ian, Harold Osborne, and Dennis Farr, eds. Oxford Dictionary Of Art. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.]

Conté crayon was named after Nicolas Jacques Conté, who invented this crayon, a mixture of compressed pigments and a slightly greasy binder, in 1790. It is available in black [soft, medium, and hard] white, sepia, and sanguine [a red close to burnt sienna]. Related to chalk and hard pastels, it produces a sharper line and a slightly glossier effect than these, but blends or shades more softly than a wax or grease crayon. [Drawing Techniques, Gallery Notes P5 - Works on Paper Series. Print, Drawing, and Photography Galleries. © 1984, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.]



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