
Notebook, 1993-




To work with another or others . . . . Cooperate . . . . Labor, Work

The process of working together

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Developments may proceed through personal appreciation of the arts and art works on a very general level . . . . or through materials / processes and methods . . . . or through work with visual relationships, aesthetic theory and practice, interpretation of discipline, reference to tradition, review of history, attention to cultural norms, or through development of specific topics, events, or issues. The focus is on 'Collaboration'.

R  E  F  E  R  E  N  C  E  S 

Collaborate v.i., -rat-ed, -rat-ing. 1. to work with another or others, esp. as a coauthor. 2. to cooperate, usually willingly, with an enemy nation, esp. with an enemy occupying one's country. [< LL collaborĂ£t(us) (ptp. of collaborĂ£re) = col- COL-1 + labor work + atus -ATE1] -collaborator, n.

[Urdang, Laurence, ed. Random House Dictionary of The English Language. New York: Random House, 1968.]



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