
Notebook, 1993-

COURSES OF DEVELOPMENT . . . . Return to course in Collaboration

Collaborative Workshops


4-hr Open Collaborative Sessions providing opportunities for students to focus on methods of supporting, assisting, or 'co-authoring' objectives, works, events, or studio projects. Offered 2-3 times throughout the year through sign-up, although anyone should be allowed to drop in to observe or participate.

The idea is to allow students on a particular professional track the opportunity to observe and participate in methods beneficial to studio work, procedures, or project goals.

NOTE: The objective is strictly technical. The workshops are opportunities in addition to ones professional track.


Part I. Introduction. 1-hr Demonstration and Q/A. This is an opportunity to bring to attention norms, standards or guidelines in collaborative activity. The event or performance should demonstrate specific keys common to studio activity or specific collaborative projects.

Part II. Practice. 2-hr events in which two or more students work through goals or problem events in order to obtain: a) Definitions and Skill Building enhanced with assistance from observors of events; b) Recognition of Range / Leeway; c) The achievement of Objectives or the development of a Repetoir.

Part III. Summary. Comments and ideas

NOTE: Some workshops should focus specifically on the use of a piece of equipment or the utilization of certain tools.



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