
Notebook, 1993-


[From: Kyriazis, Constantine D. Eternal Greece. Translated by Harry T. Hionides. A Chat Publication.]

Supernatural Beings - Arachne - Argus - Centaurs - Calydonian Boar - Cerberus - Charon - Charybdis - Chimaera - Cyclopes - Echidna - Giants - Golden Fleece - Graiae - Hydra of Lerna - Grypes - Hypnos - Pallas - Pegasus - Scylla - Sirens - Sphinx - Stymphalian Birds - Talos - Typhon

Golden Fleece

A winged ram with golden fleece, which was born of the union of Nephele and Poseidon, or according to another version more widely circulated, from the union of Poseidon with Themisto, daughter of Bisaltes. According to the legend, Poseidon became enamoured of Themisto and carried her to an island to protect her from the numerous suitors who sought her. But the suitors discovered the island whereupon Poseidon changed them into wolves. Then changing himself into a ram and Themisto into a lamb, he mated with her. From their union the ram with the golden fleece was born. Nephele had sent [p. 85] the rams to save Phrixus and Helle. When Phrixus arrived at Colchis he sacrificed the ram to Zeus Phyxius [he who facilitates escape], and gave the hide to Aeetes. Aeetes in turn fastened it to an oak tree dedicated to Ares and set a dragon to guard it. [pp. 85-86]

[Kyriazis, Constantine D. Eternal Greece. Translated by Harry T. Hionides. A Chat Publication.]



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