
Notebook, 1993-

Walberg, Gisela. Tradition and Innovation. Essays in Minoan Art. Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp Von Zabern. 1986.

Notes - III . The Relation Between Minoan
Vase-Painting and Seal Motifs

1. Yule, Early Cretan Seals, p. 140.

2. See - ibid., p. 142.

3. Dated by Yule in MM IB-II [Early Cretan Seals, p. 149]. The excavator, J.-C. Poursat, does, however, date the seals from the Malia workshop late in MM II. See, for instance, J. -C. Poursat, "L'atelier des sceaux de Malia et la chronologie des sceaux protopalatiaux", Marburg Symposium I, p. 112.

4. Yule, Early Cretan Seals, p. 147.

5. Warren, Myrtos, Pl. 53, P459 and P461.

6. Yule, Early Cretan Seals, p. 148.

7. Ibid., p. 148 and Kamares, p. 56.

8. Yule, Early Cretan Seals, p. 150.

9. Ibid., p. 153 and Provincial MM, p. 53.

10. Yule, Early Cretan Seals, p. 154.

11. Ibid., p. 156.

12. Ibid., p. 157.

13. Ibid., p. 157.

14. Ibid., p. 160.

15. Ibid., p. 164.

16. PM I, 267, Fig. 198 and J . Pendlebury, The Archaeology of Crete, p. 138.

17. As shown in a paper given at the 5th Cretological Congress, Ag. Nikolaos 1981: Walberg, "The Relations between Middle Minoan Pottery and Glyptics", Peprragmena 5, Athens [forthcoming].

18. Kamares, p. 84.

19. Ibid., pp. 47-75.

20. Yule, Early Cretan Seals, pp. 118-76 and Pls. 1-41.

21. Ibid., mot. 18, p. 139. Minoan appliquÚ vases do, however, show some Egyptian inspiration, cf. S.A. Immerwahr, "A Possible Influence of Eg ptian Art in the Creation of Minoan Wall Painting", L'Iconographie Minoenne, Actes de la Table Ronde d'Athènes, 21-22 avril 1983 [BCH suppl. XI], Paris 1984, pp. 41-46.

22. Ibid., pp. 78-81.

23. Ibid, pp. 47, 105 and 232.

24. F. Matz, "Bemerkungen zum Stand der Forschung über die frühen anatolischen Siegel", Marburg Symposium I, pp. 58-95.

25. Yule, Early Cretan Seals, pp. 152-53.

26. M. H. Wiencke, "Early Helladic Clay Sealings from the House of Tiles at Lerna", Hesperia 27, 1958, pp. 81-121, "Further Seals and Sealings from Lerna", Hesperia 38, 1969, pp. 500-21 and "The Lerna Sealings", Marburg Symposium I, pp. 149-63.

27. W. Schiering, "Prinzipien der Bildgestaltung mittelminoischer Siegel", Marburg Symposium II, pp. 189-206 and Yule, Early Cretan Seals, p. 231.

28. S. Alp, Zylinder- und Stempelsiegel aus KarahûyÄk bei Konya, Ankara 1968.

29. D. Levi, "Sulle origini minoiche", ParPass 24, 1969, p. 259.

30. Matz, "Bemerkungen zum Stand der Forschung über die frühen anatolischen Siegel", Marburg Symposium I, pp. 94-95.

31. Motifs of the same type have also been found in other Anatolian MBA contexts, as for instance at Tarsus [cf. Tarsus II, Pls. 394:31 and 397:16].

32. Yule has pointed out that Levi compares seals which are atypical for the areas and stylistically undifferentiated. See Early Cretan Seals, p. 232.

[Walberg, Gisela. Tradition and Innovation. Essays in Minoan Art. Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp Von Zabern. 1986.]



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