
Notebook, 1993-


Reality / Real

Entity, Event, State of Affairs . . . . The totality of real things and events . . . . In actual fact . . . . Having objective independent existence . . . . Existing as a physical entity and having properties that deviate from an ideal, law, or standard . . . . To bring into concrete existence: Accomplish . . . . To make appear real . . . . To conceive vividly as real: be fully aware of . . . . Relating to things . . . . Of or related to fixed, permanent, or immovable things . . . Genuine . . . .

R  E  F  E  R  E  N  C  E  S 
Reality n [1550] 1: the quality or state of being real 2a [1]: a real event, entity, or state of affairs [his dream became a __] [2]: the totality of real things and events [trying to escape from __] b: something that is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily -in reality: in actual fact

Real adj [ME, real, relating to things (in law), fr. MF, fr. ML * LL; ML realis relating to things (in law), fr. LL, real, fr. L res thing, fact; akin to Skt rayi property] [14c] 1: of or relating to fixed, permanent, or immovable things [as lands or tenements] 2a: not artificial, fraudulent, illusory, or apparent: Genuine [__ gold]; also: a: being precisely what the name implies [a __ professional] b [1]: occurring in fact [a story of _- life] [2]: of or relating to practical or everyday concerns or activities [left school to live in the _- world] [3]: existing as a physical entity and having properties that deviate from an ideal, law, or standard [a _- gas] --compare Ideal 3b c: having objective independent existence [unable to believe that what he saw was __] d: Fundamental, Essential e [1]: belonging to or having elements or components that belong to the set of real numbers [the __ roots of an equation] [a __ matrix] [2]: concerned with or containing real numbers [__ analysis] [3]: Real-Valued [__ variable] f: measured by purchasing power [__ income] [__ dollars] g: complete, Utter [a __ reasco] 3 of a particle: capable of being detected --compare virtual 3 -for real 1: in earnest: Seriously [fighting for real] 2: Genuine [couldnÍt believe the threats were for real]

2 Real n [ca. 1626]: a real thing; esp: a mathematically real quanitity

3 Real adv [1718]: very [he was __ cool -H.M. McLuhan] usuage Most handbooks consider the adverb real to be informal and more suitable to speech than writing. Our evidence shows these observations to be true in the main, but real is becoming increasingly cocmmon in writing of an informal, conversational styl e. It is used as an intensifier only and is not interchangeable with really except in that use.

Realize vt [F réaliser, fr. MF realiser, fr. real real] [ca. 1611] 1a: to bring into concrete existence: Accomplish [finally realized her goal] b: to cause to seem real: make appear real [a book in which the characters are carefully realized] 2a: to convert into actual money [realized assets] b: to bring or get by sale, investment, or effort: Gain 3: to conceive vividly as real: be fully aware of [did not -- the risk she was taking] -Syn See think

[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]



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