
Notebook, 1993-


Nature / Natural

Inherent character or basic constitution of a person or thing: Essence . . . . Disposition, Temperament . . . . . A creative and controlling force in the universe . . . . A kind of class usu. distinguished by fundamental or essential characteristics . . . . Physical consitution or drives of an organism . . . . The external world in its entirety . . . . Natural: In accordance, Occurring in conformity with the ordinary course of nature . . . Normal or usual . . . Obviously suitable for a specific purpose . . . .

R  E  F  E  R  E  N  C  E  S 
Nature n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L natura, fr. natius. p-. of nasci to be born --more at Nation] [14c] 1a: the inherent character or basic constitution of a person or thing: Essence b: disposition, temperament 2a: a creative and controlling force in the universe b: an inner force or the sum of such forces in an individual 3: a kind of class usu. distinguished by fundamental or essential characteristics [documents of a confidential __] [act of a ceremonial __] 4: the physical constitution or drives of an organism; esp: an excretory organ or function -used in phrases like the call of nature 5: a spontaneous attitude [as of generosity] 6: the external world in its entirety 7a: humankind's original or natural condition b: a simplified mode of life resembling this condition 8: the genetically controlled qualities of an organism 9: natural scenery syn see Type

Natural adj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L naturalis of nature, fr. natura nature] [14c] 1: based on an inherent sense of right and wrong [__ justice] 2a: being in accordance with or determined by nature b: having or constituting a classification based on features existing in nature 3a [1]: begotten as distinguished from adopted; also: Legitimate [2]: being a relation by actual consanguineity as distinguished from adoption [__ parents] b: Illegitimate [a __ child] 4: having an essential relation with someone or something: following from the nature of the one in question [his guilt is a __ deduction from the evidence] 5: implanted or being as if implanted by nature: seemingly inborn [a __ talent for art] 6: of or relating to nature as an object of study and research 7: having a specified character by nature [a __ athlete] 8a: occurring in conformity with the ordinary course of nature: not marvelous or supernatural [__ causes] b: formulated by human raeason alone rather than revelation [__ religion] [__ rights] c: having a normal or usual character [events followed thier __ course] 9: possessing or exhibiting the higher qualities [as kindliness and affection] of human nature [a noble . . . brother . . . ever most kind and __ -Shak.] 10a: growing without human care; also: not cultivated [__ prairie unbroken by the plow] b: existing in or produced by natuare; not artificial [__ turf] [__ curiosities] c: relating to or being natural food 11a: being in a state of nature without spiritual enlightenment: Unregenerate [__ man] b: living in or as if in a state of nature untouced by the influences of civilization and society 12a: having a physical or real existence as contrasted with one that is spiritual, intellectual, or fictitious [a corporation is a legal but not a __ person] b: of, relating to, or operating in the physical as opposed to the spiritual world [__ laws describe phenomena of the physical universe] 13a: closely resembling an original: true to nature b:; marked by easy simplicity and freedom from artificiality, affectation, or constraint c: having a form or appearance found in nature 14a: having neither flats nor sharps [the __ scale of C major] b: being neither sharp nor flat c: having the pitch modified by the natural sign 15: of an off-white or beige color -Syn Natural, Ingenuous, Naive, Unsophisticated, Artless mean free from pretension or calculation. Natural implies lacking artificiality and self-consciousness and having a spontaneousness suggesting the natural rather than the man-made world [her unaffected, natural manner]. Ingenuous implies inability to disguise or conceal one's feelings or intentions [the ingenuous enthusiasm of children]. Naive suggests lack of worldly wisdom often connoting credulousness and unchecked innocence [politically naive]. Unsophisicated implies a lack of experience and training necessary for social ease and adroitness [ unsophisticated adolescents]. Artless suggests a naturalness resulting from unawareness of the effect one is producing on others [artless charm] -Syn see in addition Regular

2 Natural n [1533] 1: one born without the usual powers of reason and understanding 2a: a sign [ this sign is not available on this computer] placed on any degree of the musical staff to nullify the effect of a preceeding sharp or flat b: a note or tone affected by the natural sign 3: a result or combination that immediately wins the stake in a game; specif: a throw of 7 or 11 on the first cast in craps 4a: one having natural skills, talents, or abilities b: something that is likely to become an immediate success c: one that is obviously sutiable for a specific purpose 5: Afro

[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]



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