
Notebook, 1993-


Intendment / Intent

Sense or meaning of what one has in mind . . . . To be done, To be brought about . . . . To Set out, To Stretch towards, To Aim at. . . . Plan, Expect . . . . The Purpose.. . . . The Design . . . . To Mean, Express, Indicate, Signify, Direct [the eyes, mind, etc.] . . . . Pointing beyond itself. . . . Deliberate, Purposeful . . . . Phenomenal, Representational, Conscious . . . . Resolute, Set, Concentrated, Fixed . . . . Determination . . . .

More or less deliberation - Intention implies little more than what one has in mind to do or bring about . . . . Intent suggests clearer formulation or greater deliberateness.

R  E  F  E  R  E  N  C  E  S 
Intendment n. 1. Law: sense or meaning. 2. Obs. intention; design; purpose. . . . .

Intend v.t. 1. to have in mind as something to be done or brought about. 2. to design or mean for particular purpose, use, recipient, etc.: a fund intended for emergency use only. 3. to design, express, or indicate. 4. [of words, terms, statements, etc.] to signify. 5. Archaic. to direct [the eyes, mind, etc.]. -V.i. 6. to have a purpose or design. 7. Obs. to set out on one's course. [< L intend(ere) (to) stretch towards, aim at [See In-2, tend1]; r. ME entenden < OF entend(re)] -Syn. 1. plan, expect, purpose

Intentional adj. 1. done deliberately or on purpose: an intentional insult. 3. of or pertaining to intention or purpose. 3. Philos. a. pertaining to an appearance, phenomenon, or representation in the mind; phenomenal; representational. b. pertaining to the capacity of the mind to refer to an existent or nonexistent object. c. pointing beyond itself, as consciousness, a sign, etc. -Syn. 1. planned, intended. See deliberate. -Ant. 1. accidental.

Intent n. 1. the act or fact of intending, as to do something: criminal intent. 2. that which is intended; purpose; intent in. 3. Law. the state of a person's mind that directs his actions toward a specific object. 4. meaning or significacne. 5. to all intents and purposes, for all practical purposes; practically speaking. [ME < LL intent(us) an aim, purpose, lit., a stretching out [n. use of L intentus INTENT2]; r. ME entent(e) < OF] -Syn. 1. See intention.

Intent adj. 1. firmly or steadfastly fixed or directed, as the eyes, mind, etc.: intent concentration. 2. having the attention sharply fixed on something: intent on one's job. 3. determined; having the mind or will fixed on some purpose or goal; intent on revenge. -Syn. 1, 2. concentrated. 3. resolute, set.

Intention n. 1. intensification; increase in degree. 2. intensity; high degree. 3. relative intensity; degree. 4. exertion of the mind; determination . 5. Logic. the set of attributes beloning to anything to which a given term is correctly applied; connotation; comprehension. Cf.

[Urdang, Laurence, ed. Random House Dictionary of The English Language. New York: Random House, 1968.]

Intention 1: a determination to act in a certain way: Resolve 2: import, Significance 3a: what one intends to do or bring about b: the object for which a prayer, mass, or pious act is offered 4: a process or manner of healing of incised wounds 5: Concept. esp: a concept considered as the product of attention directed to an object of knowledge 6pl: purpose with respect to marriage -Syn. INTENTION, INTENT, PURPOSE, DESIGN, AIM, END, OBJECT, OBJECTIVE, GOAL mean what one intends to accomplish or attain. INTENTION implies little more than what one has in mind to do or bring about [annnounced his intention to marry]. INTENT suggests clearer formulation or greater deliberateness [the clear intent of the statute]. Purpose suggests a more settled determination [being successful was her purpose in life]. Design implies a more carefully calculated plan [the order of events came by accident, not design]. Aim adds to these implications of effort directed toward attaining or accomplishing [her aim was to raise film to an art form]. End stresses the intended effect of action often in distinction or contrast to the action or means as such [willing to use any means to achieve his end]. Object may equal End but more often applies to a more individually determined wish or need [his constant object was the achievement of pleasure]. Objective implies something tangible and immediately attainable [their objective is to seize the oil fields]. Goal suggests something attained only by prolonged effort and hardship [worked years to reach her goals]. [Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]



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