Effectual is used esp. of that which produces the effect desired or intended, or a decisive result.
Effective: Adequate, Intended or Expected, Functioning, Impressive or Striking, Prepared and Available, Capable, Competent. . . . Applied to that which has the power to or which actually does, produce an [often lasting] effect: an effective action, remedy, speech.
What is called effect in painting consists in sacrificing many things for a few. The Italian word "despotare" is a very strong one applied to the art of making the principal object tell. Effect is, however, incomplete till the objects or points in these objects [for the system may be forever subdivided] surpass what is round them in all the requisites of effect. Perhaps the most essential course is to have no lines equally cutting in the immediate neighbourhood. Nothing gives relief more, for it corresponds with the effect produced in nature; when we fix our attention on a particular object all round it is mist and indistinctness.
[Eastlake, Sir Charles Lock, [One-time President of the Royal Academy] . Methods and Materials of Painting of the Great Schools and Masters [Formerly titled: Materials for a History of Oil Painting]. Vol. Two. New York; Dover Publications, Inc. 1960 [Originally published by Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans in 1847. p. 326]
Effect n. 1. something that is produced by an agency or cause; result; consequence. 2. power to produce results; efficacy; influence: His protest had no effect. 3. the state of being effective or operative; operation or execution; accomplishment or fulfillment: to bring a plan into effect. 4. a mental impression produced, as by a painting or a speech. 5. main idea or meaning; gist: He disapproved of the proposal and wrote to that effect. 6. the making of a desired impression. 7. an illusory phenomenon: a three-dimensional effect. 8. a scientific phenomenon [usually named for its discoverer]: the Doppler effect. 9. the result intended: purport; intent. 10. in effect, for practical purposes; virtually. 11. take effect, a. to go into operation; begin to function. b. to produce a result. -V.t. 12. to pronuce as an effect; bring about; accomplish. 13. to produce or make. [ME < L effect(us) (4th cedl.). n. use of ptp. of efficere to effect = ef- EF- + fec- (var. of fac-) do + -tus ptp. suffix]
-Syn. 1. outcome, issue. Effect, Consequence(s), Result refer to somethin produced by an action or a cause. An Effect is that which is produced, usually more or less immediately and directly: The effect of morphine is to produce sleep. Morphine produces the effect of sleep. A Consequence, somethin that follows naturally or logicaly, as in a train of events or sequence of time, is less intimately connected with its cause than is an effect: Punishment is the consequence of disobedience. Take the consequences. A Result may be near or remote, and often is the sum of effects or consequences as making an end or final outcome: The English language is the result of the fusion of many different elements. 12. achieve, realize, fulfill, perform, consummate. -Ant. 1. cause.
effective adj. 1. adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result: effective measures. 2. actually in operation or in force; functioning: The law becomes effective at midnight. 3. producing a deep or vivid impression; striking: an effective photoraph. 4. prepared and available for service, esp. military service. -n. 5. a soldier or sailor fit for duty or active service. 6. the effective total of a military force. [ME < L effectív(us) practical] -Syn. 1. capable, competent. Effective, Effectual, Efficient refer to that which is able to produce a [desired] effect. Effective is applied to that which has the power to or which actua ly does, produce an [often lasting] effect: an effective action, remedy, speech. Effectual is used esp. of that which produces the effect desired or intended, or a decisive result: An effectual bombardment silenced the enemy. Efficient [applied also to persons] is the most active of these words, and implies the skillful use of energy or industry to accomplish desired results with little waste or effort: efficient methods; an efficient manager. 2. operative. 3. telling. -Ant. 1. futile.
[Urdang, Laurence, ed. Random House Dictionary of The English Language. New York: Random House,1968.]
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