[From: Wong, Wucius. Principals of Two-Dimensional Form. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1988.]
Directional Variations - With the exception of the plain circle, all forms can vary in direction to some extent. Even circles can be grouped to give a sense of direction. Several kinds of directional arrangements can be distinguished:
a) Repeated directions
b) Indefinite directions
c) Gradational directions
e) Similar directions
Repeated and the more regularly arranged directions can be mingled with some irregular directions .
Spatial Variations - These can be obtained by having the forms encounter one another in a multiple of interrelationships [See Interrelationships]. Imaginative use of overlapping, penetration, union, or positive and negative combinations can lead to surprising results.
[Wong, Wucius. Principals of Two-Dimensional Form. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1988.]
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