[From: Wong, Wucius. Principals of Two-Dimensional Form. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1988.]
Repetition of shape - Shape is always the most important element. Repetitive shapes can have different sizes, colors, etc.
Repetition of size - repetition of size is possible only when the shapes are also repetitive or very similar.
Repetition of color - This means that all the forms are of the same color but their shapes and sizes may vary.
Repetition of texture - All forms can be of the same texture but they may be of different shapes, sizes, or colors. In printing, all solidly printed forms with the same type of ink on the same surface are regarded as having the same texture.
Repetition of direction - This is possible only when the forms show a definite sense of direction without the slightest ambiguity.
Repetition of position - This has to do with how forms are arranged in connection with the structure.
Repetition of space - All forms can occupy space in the same manner. In other words, they may be all positive, or all negative, or related to the picture plane in the same way.
Repetition of gravity - Gravity is too abstract an element to be used repetitively. It is difficult to say that forms are of equal heaviness or lightness, stability or instability, unless all other elements are in strict repetition.
[Wong, Wucius. Principals of Two-Dimensional Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1972.]
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