
Notebook, 1993-


Spatial Gradation

Spatial gradation affects the shape or the size of unit forms. The relationship between the unit forms and the picture plane is never constant.

Two kinds of spatial gradation can be distinguished:

1. Spatial Rotation. With gradual diversion from the picture plane, a unit form can be rotated so that we see more and more of its edge, and less and less of its front. A flat shape can become narrower and narrower until it is almost a thin line. Spatial rotation changes the shape of a unit form.

2. Spatial progression. This is the same as the change of size. Increase or decrease of the size of unit forms suggests the forward or backward progression of unit forms in space. The unit forms are always parallel to the picture plane, but they may appear far behind the picture plane when it is small, or even in front of the picture plane when it is large.

[Wong, Wucius. Principals of Two-Dimensional Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1972.]



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