C O N S I D E R:
Regard with attention so as to see or learn something
Pronouncement/enunciation, articulation, deliverance, announcement, authoritative statement, recitation, utterance - to declare something to be as specified
State by way of comment
To keep or maintain in one's action, conduct, etc.
Obey, comply, conform to
To Show regard for
Ceremony - observe a holiday
To Notice
To act as an observer
Discover, detect
Witness - pay strict attention to what one sees or perceives
To be attentive to something seen, heard, etc.
To consider carefully
To watch steadily
Witness, formerly to be present when something was happening - has added the idea of having observed with sufficient care to be able to give an account as evidence
Follow, fulfill
Celebrate, keep
Observation [ME observe(n) < MF observe(r) < L observare to watch, regard, attend to - ob-
OB- + servare to keep, save, pay heed to] [< L observation- (s. of observation) = observat(us)
(ptp. of observater, OBSERVE) + -ion- -ION]
1. The act or an instance of noticing or perceiving. 2. the act or an instance of regarding attentively or watching. 3. the faculty or habit of observing or noticing. 4. notice: to escape a person's observation. 5. the act or an instance of viewing or noting a fact or occurrence for some scientific or other special purpose. 6. the information or record obtained by such an act. 7. something that is learned in the course of observing things. 8. a remark, comment, or statement. 9. the condition of being observed. 10. Navig. the measurement of the altitude or azimuth of a heavenly body for navigational purposes. 11. Obs. observance, as of the law.
-Syn. 3. attention. 8. pronuncement. See remark.
[Urdang, Laurence, ed. Random House Dictionary of The English Language. New York: Random House,1968.]