Hexagon n [Gk hexagónon, neut. of hexagónos hexagonal, fr. hexa- + g÷nia angle --more at -CON] [1570]: a polygon of six angles and six sides
Hexagonal adj [1571]: 1: having six angles and six sides 2: having a hexagon as section or base 3: relating to or being a crystal system characterized by three equal lateral axes intersecting at angles of 60 degrees and a vertical axis of variable length at right angles
Hexagram n [ISV] [1871]: a plane figure that has the shape of a 6-pointed star, that consists of two intersecting congruent equilateral triangles having the same point as center and their sides parallel, and that can be formed by constructing external equalateral triangles on the sides of a regular hexagon --compare Solomon's Seal2 [Solomon's seal2: an emblem consisting of two interlaced traingles forming a 6-pointed star and formerly used as an amulet esp. against fever]
Hexahedron n [LL, fr. Gk hexaedron, fr. neeut. of hexaedros of six surfaces, fr. hexa- + hedra seat --more at Sit] [1571]: a polyhedron of six faces [as a cube]
[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]
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