
Notebook, 1993-



Successive stages . . . Step or place in an ordered scale . . . . An advance by regular degrees . . . . Passing from one tint or shade to another, gradually . . . . Grading

R  E  F  E  R  E  N  C  E  S 
Gradation n [1549] 1a: a series forming successive stages b: a step or place in an ordered scale 2: an advance by regular degrees 3: a gradual passing from one tint or shade to another 4: the act or process of grading 5: Ablaut

2 Grad n [F grade degree. fr. L gradus] [1898]: one hundredth of a right angle

1 Grade n [F, fr. L gradus step, degree, fr. L gradi to step, go; akin to Lith gridyti to go, wander] [1796] 1a: [1]: a stage in a process [2]: a position in a scale of ranks or qualities b: a degree of severity in illness [__ III carcinoma] c: a class organized for the work of a particular year of a school course d: a military or naval rank 2a: a class of things of the same stage or degree b: a mark indicating a degree of accomplishiment in school c: a standard of food quality 3a: the degree of inclination of a road or slope; also: a sloping road b: a datum or reference level; esp: ground level 4: a domestic animal with one parent purebred and the other of inferior breeding 5 pl: the elementary school system

[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]



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