Eement applies to any such part and often connotes irreductible simplicity
The Elements of Design
My theorization begins with a list of elements of design. This list is necessary because the elements will form the basis of all our future discussions. The elements are, in fact, very much related to each other and cannot be easily separated in our general visual experience. Tackled individually, they may appear rather abstract, but together they determine the ultimate appearance and contents of a design.
Four groups of elements are distinguished:
a) Conceptual Elements [Point, Line, Plane, Volume]
b) Visual Elements [Shape, Size, Color, Texture]
c) Relational Elements [Direction, Position, Space, Gravity]
c) Practical Elements[Representation, Meaning, Function]
[Wong, Wucius. Principals of Two-Dimensional Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1972.]
Element n [ME, fr. OF & L; OF, fr. L elementum] [13c] 1 a: any of the four substances air, water, fire, and earth formerly believed to compose the physical universe b pl: weather conditions; esp: violent or severe weather [battling the __s] c: the state or sphere natural or suited to a person or thing [at school she was in her __] 2: a constituent part: as a pl: the simplest principles of a subject of study; Rudiments b [1]: a part of a geometric magnitude [an infinitesimal __ of volume] [2]: a generator of a geometric figure; also: a line or line segment contained in the surface of a cone or cylinder [3]: a basic member of a mathematical or logical class or set [4]: one of the individual entries in a mathematical matrix or determinant c: one of a number of distinct groups composing a larger group or community [the criminal __ in the city] d [1]: one of the necessary data or values on which calculations or conclusions are based [2]: one of the factors determining the outcome of a process c: any of more than 100 fundamental substances that consist of atoms of only one kind and that singly or in combination constitute all matter f: a distinct part of a composite device g: a subdivision of a military unit 3 pl: the bread and wine used in the Eucharist
-syn. Element, Component, Consitutent, Ingredient mean one of the parts of a compound or complex whole. Element applies to any such part and often connotes irreductible simplicity [the basic elements of geometry]. Component and Constitutent may designate any of the substances [whether elements or compounds] or the qualities that enter into the makeup of a complex product; component stresses its separate entity or distinguishable character [the components of a stereo system]. Constituent stresses its esssential and formative character [the constituents of a chemical compound]. Ingredient applies to any of the substances which when combined form a particular mixture [as a medicine or alloy] [the ingredients of a cocktail].
[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]
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