
Notebook, 1993-



"A brief return to the discussion of gradients . . . . will refresh our understanding of what occurs perceptually when we pass from a construct, a design, in flat projection (a simple hoizontal-vertical lattice formation) to the same design at a tilt, drawn in vanishing -point perspective, with some or all of its parts out of alignment with the vertical and the horizontal, or warped or bent out of shape. The slanting lines, curving lines, or oblique parallelograms contain more than one "gradient of location," a gradual increase or decrease of some perceptual quality in space, in relation to the implied vertical and horizontal axes of the ground, the paper. So, then, the eye very cleverly "reads" these deviant elements in depth, and the result is a rhythmically altered structure with movements apparently in space and time and one that has gone from being dividual to one that is now individual . . . . To describe structures that may be extended indefinitely or reduced in area or extension without suffering any change in their basic makeup--as seen in allover patterns, borders, or yard good. [Paul Klee -Swiss artist and teacher- used the terms Dividuality and Individuality . . . . "

[Harlan, Calvin. Vision & Invention, An Introduction to Art Fundamentals. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986.]



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