
Notebook, 1993-



Spread, Enlarge, Expand, Distend, Widen, Swell, Stretch

R  E  F  E  R  E  N  C  E  S 
Dilate [ME, fr. MF dilater, fr. L dilatare, lit., to spread wide, fr. dis- + latus wide --more at Lattitude] vt [14c] 1 archaic: to describe or set forth at length or in detail 2: to enlarge or exapand in bulk or extent: distend, Widen -vi 1: to become wide: Swell -syn see Expand

Dilation n [15c] 1: the act or action of dilating; the state of being dilated: Expansion, Dilatation 2: the action of stretching or enlarging an organ or part of the body

[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]



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