
Notebook, 1993-



Decenter - Piaget
The child can focus on multiple features of an object at the same time. Takes into account all relevant perceptual data and can focus on both the height and the width of the glass at the same time.

NOTE: Unevenness in Development. Some researchers claim that cognitive growth does not occur in stages all at once, as each individual possesses a number of abilities, each at different levels of development. Within each stage there are gradual and transitional changes which occur at different times depending on the particular abilities (Flavell, 1985).

[Zigler, Edward F. and Matia Finn-Stevensen, Yale University. CHILDREN, Development and Social Issues. Lexington, MA & Toronto: D.C. Heath and Company, 1987. See the chapter Cognitive Development During Middle Childhood 7 - 12.]



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