
Notebook, 1993-



Concealed, Obscure, Ambiguous, Mysterious, Secret . . . . In Cipher or Code . . . . Marked by an often perplexing brevity . . . . Figure or represenation having a hidden significance . . . . Serving to conceal.

Figure-Ground Contrast
Disguise (cryptic coloration) [at rest] is only one aspect of nature's optical trickery. At the opposite extreme is display (warning coloration) [active], and often the same bird or insect will alternate between concealment and exhibition, hiding its brilliant patterns one moment and flaunting them the next.

[Harlan, Calvin. Vision & Invention, An Introduction to Art Fundamentals. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986. pg. 159]

R  E  F  E  R  E  N  C  E  S 
Cryptic adj [LL crypticus, fr. Gk kryptikos, fr. kryptos] [ca. 1638] 1: Secret, Occult 2a: having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning: Mysterious [__ messages] b: marked by an often perplexing brevity [__ marginal notes] 3: serving to conceal [__ coloration in animals]; also: exhibiting cryptic coloration [__ animals] 4: Unrecognized [a __ infection] 5: employing cipher or code -syn . see Obscure

Cryptocrystalline [1862]: having a crystalline structure so fine that no distinct particles are recognizable under the microscope [__ quartz]

Cryptogenic adj [1908]: of obscure or unknown origin

Cryptogram [1880] 1: a communication in cipher or code 2: a figure or represenation having a hidden significance

[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]



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