C O N S I D E R:
Bind or fasten together
Join or unite
Establish communication between; put in communication
To associate, attach, or place in relationship
To associate mentally or emotionally
To run so as to make connections
Connect vb [ME, fr. L conectere, connectere, fr. com- + nectere to bind] vi [15c] 1: to become joined [the two rooms __ by a hallway] [ideas that __ easily to form a theory] 2: to make a successful hit, shot, or throw [__ed for a home run] [__ed on 60 percent of his shots -NY Times] 3: to have or establish a rapport [tried to __ by something intervening 2: to place or establish in relationship
-syn See join
Connection n [L connexion-, connexio, fr. conectere] [14cx] 1: the act of connecting: the state of being connected: as a: causal or logical relation or sequence [the __ between two ideas] b: [1]: contextural relation or association [in this __ the word has a different meaning] [2]: relationship in fact [wanted in __ with robbery] c: a relation of personal intimacy [as of familyties] d: Coherence, Continuity 2a: something that connects: Link [a loose __ in the wiring] b: a means of communication or transport 3: a person connected with another esp. by marriage, kinship, or common interest [has powerful __s] 4: a political, social, professional, or commercial relationship: as a: Position, Job b: an arrangement to execute orders or advance interests of another [a firm's foreign __s] c: a source of contraband [as illegal drugs] 5: a set of persons associated together as a: Denomination b: Clan
[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]
Connect [< L connect(ere) = con- CON- + nectere to tie; see NEXUS]1. to bind or fasten together; join or unite; link; to connect the two cities by a bridge. 2. to establish communication between; put in communication (often fol. by with): The telephone operator connected us. 3. to associate, attach, or place in relationship: to connect oneself with a group. 4. to associate mentally or emotionally: She connects all telegrams with bad news. v.i. 5. to become connected; join or unite. 6. (of trains, buses, etc.) to run so as to make connections (often fol. by with).
-Syn. 1. see join.
-Ant. 1. Divide. 3. dissociate.
[Urdang, Laurence, ed. Random House Dictionary of The English Language. New York: Random House,1968.]
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