
Notebook, 1993-


[From: Wong, Wucius. Principals of Two-Dimensional Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1972.]

Radiation - The Concentric

In a concentric structure, instead of radiating from the center as in a centrifugal structure, structural lines surround the center in regular layers.

a) The Basic Concentric Structure. This consists of layers of equally spaced circles enclosing the center of the design which is also the common center of all the circles.

b) Straightening, Curving, or Bending of Structural Lines. The concentric structural lines as in (a) can be straightened, curved, or bent regularly, as desired. In fact, any single shape can be made into concentric layers.

c) Shifting of Centers. Instead of having a common center, the circles can shift their centers along the track of a line, which may be straight, curved, bent, and possibly forming a circle, triangle, square, or any desired shape. Usually swirling movements result.

d) The Spiral. A geometrically perfect spiral is very difficult to construct. However, a less perfect but still regular spiral can be obtained by dissecting the basic concentric structure and putting the sectors back again. Shifting of centers and adjusting of the radii of the circles can also produce a spiral. A spiral pattern generates strong centrifugal force, so it is halfway between a centrifugal and a concentric structure.

e) Multiple Centers. By taking a section or a sector of a concentric structure and repeating it, sometimes with necessary adjustments, a concentric structure with multiple centers can be constructed.

f) Distorted and/or Hidden Centers. This can be created in the same way as described in (e), but instead of resulting in multiple centers, the design may contain a distorted center, or several hidden centers.

g) Gradual Rotation of Concentric Layers. If the concentric layers are not perfect circles but squares, polygons, or irregular shapes, they can be gradually rotated.

h) Concentric Layers with Centrifugal Radiations. Centrifugal radiations can be constructed within each concentric layer.

i) Reorganized Concentric Layers. The concentric layers can be reorganized so that some of the structural lines can be bent and linked with other structural lines, resulting in interwoven patterns with one or more centers.

[Wong, Wucius. Principals of Two-Dimensional Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1972.]



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