Geometry - Circles
A Circle is established with a fixed center and radius. Only its circumference is visible after the circle is drawn.
Described as a linear shape, the circle is an unbroken line that encloses space. This unbroken line can also acquire breadth. It separates the space it surrounds from the space surrounding it.
As a planar shape, the circle displays a maximum area within a minimum boundary without angularity or direction.
[Wong, Wucius. Principals of Two-Dimensional Form. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1988.]
1 Circle n, often attrib [ME cercle, fr. OF, fr. L circulus, dim. of circus circle, circus, fr. or akin to Gk Krikos, Kirkos ring; akin to OE hring ring -more at Ring] [14c] 1a: Ring, Halo b: a closed plane curve every point of which is equidistant from a fixed point within the curve c: the plane surface bounded by such a curve 2: the orbit of a celestial body 3: something in the form of a circle or section of a circle: as a: Diadem b: an instrument of astronomical observation the graduated limb of which consists of an entire circle c: a balcony or tier of seats in a theater d: a circle formed on the surface of a sphere by the instersection of a plane that passes through it [__ of latitude] e: Rotary2 4: an area of actio or influence: Realm 5a: Cycle, Round [the wheel has come ful __] b: fallacious reasoning in which something to be demonstrated is covertly assumed 6: a group of persons sharing a common interest or revolving about a common center [the sewing __ of her church] [family __] [the gossip of court __s] 7: a territorial or administrative division or district 8: a curving side street
2 Circle vt {14c] 1: to enclose in or as if in a circle 2: to move or revolve around -vi 1a: to move in or as if in a circle b: Circulate 2: to describe or extend in a circle
Circular adj [ME circuler, fr. MF, fr. LL circulairs, fr. L circulus circle] [15c] 1a: having the form of a circle: Round b: moving in or describing a circle or spiral 2a: of or relating to a circle or its mathematical properties [a __ arc] b: having a circular base or bases [a __ cylinder] 3: Circuitous, Indirect 4: marked by or moving in a cycle 5: being or involving reasoning that uses in the argument or proof a conclusion to be proved or one of its unproved consequences 6: intended for circulation
Circulate vb [L circulatus, pp. of circulare, fr. circulus] vi [ca. 1650] 1: to move in a circle, circuit, or orbit,; esp: to follow a course that returns to the starting point [blood __s through the body] 2: to pass from person to person or place to place; as A: to flow without obstruction b: to become well-known or widespread [rumors circulated through the town] c: to go from group to group at a social gatherng d: to come into the hands of readers; specif: to become sold or distributed -vt: to cause to ciculate
Circumambient adj [LL circumambient, circumambiens, prp. of circumambire to surround in a circle, fr. L circum- + ambire to go around -more at Ambient] [1633]: being on all sides: Emcompassing
[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]
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