a) The Basic Centripetal Structure. This consists of equal sectors within each of which are constructed equidistant lines parallel to the two straight sides of the sector, forming a series of angles progressing towards the center
b) Directional Change of Structural Lines. The parallel lines in the basic centripetal structure can change in direction, so that increasingly acute or obtuse angles are formed at the joining points of the structural lines.
) Curving and Bending of Structural Lines. The structural lines can be curved or bent regularly, creating complex changes within the pattern.
d) Opening up of the Center of Radiation. By sliding the sectors of a centripetal structure, the center of radiation can be opened up and a triangle, square, polygon, or starshape can be formed.
[Wong, Wucius. Principals of Two-Dimensional Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1972.]