
Notebook, 1993-



A sum, mass, or assemblate of particulars . . . . Combined . . . . Formed by the conjunction or collection of particulars into a mass or sum: total . . . .A total or gross amount . . . . Mixture of different substances . . . . Amassed, Accumulated, Assembled, Gathered . . . .

R  E  F  E  R  E  N  C  E  S 

Aggregate[ < L aggregat(us) (ptp. of aggregare) = ag-, AG- + greg- (s. of grez flock- + -atus, ATE] adj. 1. Formed by the conjunction or collection of particulars into a mass or sum: total; combined. 2. Bot. a. (of a flower) Formed of florets collected in a dense cluster but not cohering, as in composite plants. b. (of a fruit) Composed of a cluster of carels belonging to the same flower, as the raspberry. -n. 3. A sum, mass, or assemblate of particulars; a total or gross amount: the aggregate of all past experience. 4. Geol. A mixture of different mineral substances separable by mechanical means, as granite. 5. Any of various hard, inert materials, as sand, gravel, or pebbles, added to a cementing agent to make concrete, plaster, etc. -v.t. 6. To bring together; collect into one sum, mass, or body. 7. To amount to (the number of). -syn. 1. added, complete, whole. 6. amass, accumulate, assemble, gather.

[Urdang, Laurence, ed. Random House Dictionary of The English Language. New York: Random House,1968.]



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