
Notebook, 1993-



Presentation . . . . Representation . . . . Display, Exhibition . . . . To carry out or into effect . . . . Complete, Adhere to the terms of/Fulfill . . . . Efficiency, Manner, Competence . . . . Execution, Accomplishment, Deed, Feat, Fulfillment . . . .

Perform implies action that follows established patterns or procedures or fulfills agreed-upon requirements and often connotes special skill

R  E  F  E  R  E  N  C  E  S 
Perform vb [ME, fr. AF performer, alter. of OF perfournir, fr. per- thoroughly (fr. L) + fournir to complete -more at Furnish] vi [14c] 1: to adhere to the terms of: Fulfill [__ a contract] 2: carry out, Do 3a: to do in a formal manner or according to prescribed ritual b: to give a rendition of: Present -vi 1: to carry out an action or pattern of behavior: act, Function 2: to give a performance: Play -syn. Perform, Execcute, Dishcharge, Accomplish, Achieve, Effect, Fulfill mean to carry out or into effect. Perform implies action that follows established patterns or procedures or fulfills agreed-upon requirements and often connotes special skill [performed gymnastics]. Execute stresses the carrying out of what exists in plan or in intent [executed the hit-and-run]. Dishcharge implies execution and completion of appointed duties or tasks [discharged his duties]. Accomplish stresses the successful completion of a process rather than the means of carrying it out [accomplished everything they set out to do]. Achieve adds to Accomplish the implication of conquered difficulties [achieve greatness]. Effect adds to Achieve an emphasis on the inherent force in the agent capable of surmounting obstacles [effected sweeping reforms]. Fulfill implies a complete realization of ends or possibilities [fulfilled their ambitions].

Performance n [15c] 1a: the execution of an action b: something accomplished: Deed, Feat 2: the fulfillment of a claim, promise, or request: Implementation 3a: the action of representing a character in a play b: a public presentation or exhibition [a benefit __] 4a: the ability to perform: Efficiency b: the manner in which a mechanism performs [engine __] 5: the manner of reacting to stimuli: Behavior 6: the linguistic behavior of an individual: Parole, also: the ability to speak a certain language -compare competence3

[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]



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