Personal, Theoretical, Aesthetic, Social, Cultural, Contemporary, Traditional Orientation, etc. Descriptive, Delineated, Representative, Communicative, Illustrative, Symbolic, etc.
R E F E R E N C E SExpress 1. the act of expressing or setting forth in words. 2. a particular word or phrase. 3. the manner or form in which a thing is expressed in words; wording. 4. power of expressing in words: joy beyond expression. 5. indication of feeling, character, etc., as in the voice, or in artistic execution. 6. a look or intonation expressing personal reaction, feeling, etc. 7. the quality or power of expressing attitude, emotion, etc.: a face that lacks expression; to read with expression. 8. the act of expressing or representing, as by symbols. 9. Math. a symbol or a combination of symbols representing a value, relation, or the like. 10. the act of expressing or pressing out. [ME < L expressión- (s. of expressió) a pressing out] -Syn. 1. utterance, declaration, assertion, statement. 2. term, idiom. 3. language, diction, phraseology. 5. manifestation, sign. 6. aspect, air, countenance, mien, tone.
Express. 1. to put (thought) into words: to express an idea clearly. 2. to show, manifest, or reveal. 3. to set forth the opinions, feelings, etc., of (oneself): He can express himself eloquently. 4. to represent by a symbol or formula. 5. U.S. to send express. 6. to press or squeeze out: to express the juice of grapes. 7. to exude or emit (a liquid, odor, etc.), a if under pressure. -adj. 8. clearly indicated; explicit: He defied my express command. 9. special; definite. 10. duly or exactly formed or represented. 11. pertaining to an express: an express agency. 12. specially direct or fast: an express bus. -n. 13. an express train, bus, elevator, etc. 14. a system of sending freight, parcels, money, etc., that is faster but more expensive than ordinary freight service. 15. a company engaged in this business. 16. Brit. a messenger of a message specially sent. 17. something sent by express. ... -Syn. 1. utter, declare, word, state. 2. indicate. 4. designate, signify, denote. 8. unambiguous. 9. particular, singular. 10. faithful, exact. 12. rapid, nonstop.
Expressionism. 1. Fine Arts. a. (usually l.c.) a manner of painting, sculpting, etc., in which natural forms and colors are distorted or exaggerated. b. a style of art developed in the 20th century characterized chiefly by heavy, often black lines that define forms, sharply contrasting, often vivid colors, and subjective or symbolic treatment of thematic material. 2. (often l.c.) a style or manner of literature and theater stressing the subjective element in experience and the symbolic aspects of objects, events, etc. 3. (usually l.c.) a phase in the development of early 20th c. music marked by the use of atonality and complex, unconventional rhythm, melody, and form.
Expressive. 1. serving to express; indicative of power to express: a look expressive of gratitude. 2. full of expression; meaningful: an expressive shrug. 3. of, pertaining to, or concerned with expression.
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