Appreciate v., -ated, -ating. --v.t. 1. to be grateful for: They appreciated his thoughtfulness. 2. to value highly; place a high estimate on. 3. to be fully aware of: to appreciate the dangers of a situation. 4. to raise in value. --v.i. 5. to increase in value: Property values appreciated yearly. [< ML appreciat(us) valued, appraised, LL appretiatus (ptp. of appretiare) appraised = L ap- AP-1 + preti(um) PRICE + -atus -ATE1]
--Syn. 2. APPRECIATE, ESTEEM, VALUE, PRIZE imply holding something in high regard. To APPRECIATE is to exercise wise judgment, delicate perception, and keen insight in realizing the worth of something. to ESTEEM is to feel respect combined with a warm, kindly feeling. To VALUE is to attach importance to a thing because of its worth (material or otherwise). To PRIZE is to value highly and cherish.
Appreciation n. 1. gratitude: They showed their appreciation by giving him a gold watch. 2. the act of estimating the qualities of things according to their true worth. 3. clear perception or recognition, esp. of aesthetic quality. 4. an increase in the value of property, goods, person, etc. 6. a critique or written evaluation, esp. when favorable. [earlier appretiation < LL appretiat(us) (see APPRECIATE) + ion]
[Urdang, Laurence, ed. Random House Dictionary of The English Language. New York: Random House,1968.]
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