
Notebook, 1993-



Oblige, Provide, Supply . . . . Afford . . . . Make Suitable, Adapt . . . . Bring into Harmony . . . . Adjust, Reconcile, Assist, Help . . . . A process of mutual adaptation . . . . Adjustment of differences; reconciliation . . . . Supplies a need, want, convenience

C O N S I D E R:

Adjustment in process of adaptation





To Oblige




To Make suitable or consistent

Bring into harmony, etc.








See contain

State or Process

Mutual adaptation



Reducing or eliminating [difference, hostility, etc.]


Assimiliation & Accommodation
From Piaget's Cognitive Development/Theory of Language Development.

He believed that all children pass through a series of distinct stages in intellectual development. Today, many psychologists are convinced that Piaget gave too little credit to the effects of learning (Harris, 1986). According to learning theorists, children continuously gain specific knowledge; they do not undergo stagelike increases in general mental ability (Carey, 1986). Numerous studies do show that children make swift mental gains at about the ages Piaget stated. In fact, researchers have recently found evidence that cycles of brain growth occur at times that correspond with Piaget's stages (Thatcher et al., 1987). Thus, the truth may lie somewhere between Piaget's stage theory and modern learning theory.

A. Intellect grows through two processes:

l. Assimilation - using existing patterns in new situations. (Using a new wrench like the old hammer--assimilated to existing mental structure.)

2. Accommodation - Occurs when existing ideas are modified to fit new requirements. (Child begins to spend money and is forced to alter ideas about what "more" and "less" mean--a dime isn't worth less than a nickel.)

Thus: New situations are assimilated to existing ideas, and new ideas are created to accommodate new experiences.

[Coon, Dennis. Introduction to Psychology, Exploration and Application. St. Paul: West Publishing Company, 1989.]

R  E  F  E  R  E  N  C  E  S 
Accommodate [< L accommodat(us) adjusted (ptp. of accommodare) = ac- AC- + commod(us) fitting, suitable (com- COM- + modus measure, manner) + -atus, -ATE1] 1. to do a kindness or a favor for; oblige. 2. to provide suitably; supply. 3. to lend money. 4. to provide with lodging, or food and lodging. 5. to afford space for: This elevator accommodates 12 persons. 6. to make suitable or consistent; adapt: to accommodate oneself to circumstances. 7. to bring into harmony; adjust; reconcile: to accommodate differences. -v.i. 8. to become or be conformable; act conformably; agree. -Syn . 1. serve, aid, assist, help. See oblige. 5. See contain.

Accommodation 1. the act of accommodating. 2. the state or process of being accommodated. 3. adjustment of differences; reconciliation. 4. Sociol. a process of mutual adaptation between persons or groups, usually achieved by eliminating or reducing hostility, as by compromise, arbitration, etc. 5. anything that supplies a need, want, convenience, etc. . . . 9. Ophthalm. the automatic adjustment by which the eye adapts itself to distinct vision at different distances.

[Urdang, Laurence, ed. Random House Dictionary of The English Language. New York: Random House,1968.]



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