
Notebook, 1993-



To present . . . . To bring clearly before the Mind . . . . To serve [as counterpart, image, sign, symbol, specimen, example, instance, etc.] . . . . Portray, Exhibit, Depict, Typify, Produce [on a stage], Act the Part or Role of, Describe [character or quality of] . . . . Give one's impression and judgement of . . . . State in a manner intended to affect action or judgment . . . . Point out . . . . Form an image or representation of in the mind . . . . Apprehend by means of an idea . . . . Recall to memory . . . . Correspond to in essence . . . . Constitute

C O N S I D E R: When a shape is derived from nature or the man-made world, it is representational. Representation may be realistic, stylized, or near-abstract. [Wong, Wucius. Principals of Two-Dimensional Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1972.]

R  E  F  E  R  E  N  C  E  S 
Represent vb [ME, fr. MF reprersenter, fr. L repraesentare, fr. re. + praaesentare to present] vt [14c] 1: to bring clearly before the mind: Present [a book which __s the character of early America] 2: to serve as a sign or symbol of [the flag __s] our country] 3: to portray or exhibit in art: Depict 4: to serve as the counterpart or image of: Typify [a movie hero who __s the ideals of the culture] 5a: to produce on the stage b: to act the part or role of 6a [1] usu. by legal right b: to serve esp. in a legislative body by delegated authority usu. resulting from election 7: to describe as having a specified character or quality [__s himself as a friend] 8a: to give one's impression and judgment of: state in a manner intended to affect action or judgment b: to point out in protest or remonstrance 9: to serve as a specimen, example, or instance of 10a: to form an image or representation of in the mind b [1]: to apprehend [an object] by means of an idea [2]: to recall to memory 11: to correspond to in essence: Constitute -vt: to make representations against something: Protest

Represent n [15c] 1: one that represents: as a: an artistic likeness or image b [1]: a statement or accont made to influence opinion or action [2]: an incidental or collateral statement of fact on the faith of which a contract is entered into c: a dramatic production or performance d [1]: a usu. formal statement made against something or to effect a charge [2]: a usu. formal protest 2: the act or action of representing: the state of being represented; as a: Representationalism 2 b [1]: the action or fact of one person standing for another so as to have the rights and oblitgations of the person represented [2]: the substitution of an individual or class in place of a person [as a child for a deceased parent] c: the action of representing or the fact of being represented esp. in a legislative body 3: the body of persons representing a constitutency

[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]



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