
Notebook, 1993-



" pas prendre par la ligne, mais par le milieu," Eugne Delacroix wrote in his journal [Take hold of objects by their center, not by the lines of their apparent edges]. [Reference uncertain.]

Line. As a point moves, its path becomes a line. A line has length but no breadth. It has position and direction. It is bound by points. It forms the border of a plane. [Wong, Wucius. Principals of Two-Dimensional Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1972.]

Point, line, and plane are conceptual elements that are not visible. Thus when visible, they become form. A line on paper, however small, must have shape, size, color, and texture if it is meant to be seen. So must a point or the plane. Volume remains illusory in two-dimensional design. [Wong, Wucius. Principals of Two-Dimensional Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1972.]

R  E  F  E  R  E  N  C  E  S 
1Line n, often attrib [ME; partl fr. OF ligne, fr. L linea, fr. fem. of lineus made of flax. fr. linum flax; partly fr. OE line; akin to OE lin flax -more at Linen] [bef. 12c] 1a: Thread, String, Cord, Rope, as [1]: a comparatively strong slender cord [2]: Clothesline [3]: a rope used on shipboard b [1]: a device for catching fish consisting of a cord with hooks and other fishing gear [2]: scope for activity: Rope c: a length of material used in measuring and leveling d: piping for conveying a fluid [as steam] e [1]: a wire or pair of wires connecting one telegraph or telepone station with another or a whole s ystem of such wires; also: any circuit in an electronic communication system [2]: a telephone connection [tried to get a __]; also: an individual telephone extension [a call on __ 2] [3]: the principal circuits of an electric power system 2a [1]: a horizontal row of written or printed characters: also: a blank row in lieu of such characters [2]: a unit in the rhythmic structure of verse formed by the grouping of a number of the smallest units of the rhythm [as metrical feet] [3]: an often numbred section of a computer program containing a single command or a small number of commands b: a short letter: Note cpl: a certificate of marriage d: the words making up a part in a drama -usu. used in pl. e: any of the successive horizontal rows of picture elements on the screen of a cathode-ray tube [as a television screen] 3a: something [as a ridge or seam] that is distinct, elongated and narrow b: a narrow crease [as on the face]: Wrinkle c: the course or direction of something in motion: Route d [1]: a state of agreement or conformity: Accordance [2]: a state of order, control, or obedience [youre getting out of __] e: a boundary of an area [the state __] f: the track and roadbed of a railway g: an amount of cocaine that is arranged in a line to be inhaled through the nose 4a: a course of conduct, action, or thought b: a field of activity or interest c: a glib often persuasive way of talking 5a: Limit, Restraint b archaic: position in life: Lot 6a: [1]: Family, Lineage [2]: a strain produced and maintained esp. by selective breednig or biological culture [3]: a chronological series b: dispositions made to cover extended military positions and presenting a front to the enemy -usu. used in pl. c: a military formation in which the different elements are abreast of each other d: naval ships arranged in a regular order e [1]: the combatent forces of an army distinguished from the staff corps and supply services [2]: the force of a regular navy f [1]: officers of the navy eligible for command at sea distinguished from officers of the staff [2]: officers of the army belonging to a combatant branch g: an arrangement or placement of persons or objects of one kind in an orderly series [a __ of trees] [stand on __] [waiting in __]; also: the persons or objects so positioned [the __ moved slowly at the bank] b [1]: a group of public conveyances plying regu arly under one management over a route [2]: a system of transportation together with its equipment, routes, and appurtenenances; also: the company owning or operating it i: a succession of musical notes esp. considered in melodic phrases j [1]: an arrangement of operations in manufacturing permitting sequential occurrence on various stages of production [2]: the personnel of an organization that are responsible for its stated objective k [1]: the 7 players including center, 2 quards, 2 tackles, and 2 ends who in offensive football play line up on or within one foot of the line of scrimmage [2]: the players who in defensive play line up within one yard of the line of scrimage 7: a narrow elongated mark drawn or projected; as a [1]: a circle of latitude or longitude on a map [2]: Equator b: a mark [as on a map] recording a boundary, division, or contour c: any of the horizontal parallel strokes on a music staff on or between which notes are placed -compare Space d: a mark [as by pencil] that forms part of the formal design of a picture distinguished from the shading or color c: a division on a bridge score dividing the score for bonuses from that for tricks f [1]: a demarcation of a limit with reference to which the playing of some game or sport is regulated -usu. used in combination [2]: a marked or imaginary line across a playing area [as a football field] parallel to the end line [3]: Line of Scrimmage 8: a straight or curved geometric element that is generated by a moving point and that has extension only along the path of the point: Curve 9a: a defining outline: Contour b: a general plan: Model -usu. used in pl. 10a chiefly Brit: PICA -used to indicate the size of large type b:; the unit of fineness of halftones expressed as the number of screen lines to the linear inch 11: merchandise or services of the same general class for sale or regularly available 12a: a source of information: Insight b: betting odds offered by a bookmaker esp. on a sporting event 13: a complete game of 10 frames in bowling -called also string 14: line Drive - between the lines 1: by implication: in an indirect way 2: by way of inference -down the line: al the way: Fully -in line for: due or in a position to receive -on line: in or into operation -on the line 1: in complete commitment and at great risk [puts his f uture on the line by backing that policy] 2: on the border between two categories 3: Immediately [paid cash on the line]

2 Line vt [1530] 1: to mark or cover with a line or lines [lined paper] 2: to depict with lines: Draw 3: to place or form a line along [pedestrians __ the walks] 4: to form into a line or lines: Align [__ up the troops] 5: to hit [as a baseball] hard and in a usu. straight line -vi 1: to hit a line drive in baseball 2: to come into the correct relative position: Align

3 Line vt [ME, fr. line flax, fr. OE lin] [14c] 1: to cover the inner surface of [__ a cloak with silk] 2: to put something in the inside of: Fill 3: to serve as the lining of [tapestries lined the walls] 4 obs: Fortify . . . .

Linear adj [ca. 1656] 1a [1]: of, relating to, resembling, or having a graph that is a line and esp. a straight line: Straight [2]: involving a singel dimension b [1]: of the first degree with respect to one or more variables [2]: of, relating to, based on, or being linear equations, linear differential equations, linear functions, linear transformations, or linear algebra c [1]: characterized by an emphasis on line [__ art] [2]: composed of simply drawn lines with little attempt at pictorial representation [__ script] d: consisting of a straight chain of atoms 2: elongated with nearly parallel sides [__ leaf] -see Leaf illustration 3: having or being a response or output that is directly propportional to the input 4: of, relating to, or based or depending on sequential development [__ thinking] [a __ narrative]

[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]



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