Direction n. 1. the act or an instance of directing. 2. the line along which anything lies, faces, moves, etc., with reference to the point or region toward which it is directed. 3. the point or region itself: The direction is north. 4. a position on a line extending from a specific point toward a point of the compass or toward the nadir or the zenith. 5. a line of thought or action or a tendency or inclination: the direction of contemporary thought. 6. instruction or guidance for making, using, etc.: directions for baking a cake. 7. order; command. 8. management; control; guidance; supervision: a company under good direction 9. a directorate. 10. the name and address of the intended recipient as written on a letter, package, etc. 11. decisions in a stage or film production as to stage business, speaking of lines, lighting, and general presentation. 12. the technique, act, or business of making such decisions, managing and training a cast of actors, etc. 13. the technique, act, or business of directing an orchestra, play, motion picture, etc. 14. Music. a symbol or phrase which indicates in a score the proper tempo. style of performance, mood, etc. [ME directoun < L d’recti—n- (s. of d’recti—) a making straight]
Direct. v.t. 1. to guide by advice, helpful information, instruction, etc. 2. to regulate the course of; control. 3. to administer; manage; supervise: He directs the affairs of the company. 4. to give authoritative instructions to; command; order or ordain [something]: I directed him to leave the room. 5. to serve as director for (a musical work, play, motion picture, etc.). 6. to tell or show (a person) the way to a place; guide. 7. to aim or send toward a place or object: to direct radio waves around the globe. 8. to cause to move, act, or work toward a given end or result (often fol. by to or toward): He directed his energies toward the accomplishment of the work. 9. to address (words, a remark, etc.) to a person or persons. 10. to mark (a letter, package, etc.) with the name and address of the intended recipient. -v.i. 11. to act as a guide. 12. to give commands or orders. 13. to serve as the director of a play, orchestra, etc. -adj. 14. proceeding in a straight line or by the shortest course; a direct route. 15. proceeding in an unbroken line of descent: a direct descendant. 16. Math. (of a proportion) containng terms of which an increase (or decrease) in one results in an increase (or decrease) in another: a term is said to be in direct proportion to another term if one increases (or decreases) as the other increases (or decreases). 17. personal or immediate: direct contact with the voters; direct exposure to a disease. 18. straightforward; frank; candid. 19. absolute; exact: the direct opposite. 10. consisting exactly of the words originally used: direct quotation. 21. Govt. of or by action of voters, which takes effect without any intervening agency such as representatives. 22. inevitable; consequential: a direct result of political action. 23. allocated for or arising from a particular known agency, process, job, etc.: The new machine was listed by the accountant as a direct cost. 24. Elect. of or pertaining to direct current. 25. Astron. a. moving in an orbit in the same direction as the earth in its revolution around the sun. b. appearing to move on the celestial sphere in the direction of the natural order of the signs of the zodiac, from west to east. Cf. retrograde [def. 4.] 26. (of dye colors) working without the use of a mordant; substantive. -adv. 27. in a direct manner; directly; straiht: Answer me direct. [ME direct(en) < L d’rect(us) made straight (ptp. of d’rigere to arrange) = d’- DI-2 + rec- (perf. s. of regere to guide) + -t(us) ptp. suffix] -Syn. 1. See guide. 4. Direct, Order, Command mean to issue instructions. Direct suggests also giving explanations or advice; the emphasis is not on the authority of the director, but on steps necessary for the accomplishing of a purpose. Order connotes a personal relationship, in which a person in a superior position imperatively instructs a subordinate (or subordinates) to do something. Command, less personal and, often, less specific in detail, suggests greater formality and, sometimes, a more fixed authority on the part of the superior. 18. open, sincere, outspoken. -Ant. 14. devious, roundabout.
[Urdang, Laurence, ed. Random House Dictionary of The English Language. New York: Random House, 1968.]
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