Depth 1. a dimension taken through an object or body of material, usually downward or horizontally inward. 2. the quality of being deep; deepness. 3. complexity of obscurity, as of a subject. 4. gravity; seriousness. 5. emotional profundity. 6. intensity, as of silence, color, etc. 7. lowness of tonal pitch: the depth of a voice. 8. Often depths. a deep part or place. 9. Sometimes, depths. the farthest, innermost, or extreme part or state: the depth of space; the depth of the forest; the depths of despair. 10. Usually, depths. a low intellectual or moral condition: How could he sink to such depth? 11. the part of greatest intensity, as of night or winter. 12. in depth, extensively or thoroughly. -adj. 13. done or conducted in depth: a depth study; a depth interview. [ME depthe. See DEEP, -TH1]
-Ant 2. shallowness
Deep [ME dep. OE dŽop; akin to Goth diup(s), OIcel djup(r), OHG tiof] -Syn10. recondite, mysterious, obscure. 17. sagacious, wise, profound, shrewd. -Ant1,7,12,17 shallow.
[Urdang, Laurence, ed. Random House Dictionary of The English Language. New York: Random House,1968.]
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