Qualification n [ca. 1544] 1: a restriction in meaning or application: a limiting modification [this statement stands without __] 2a obs: Nature b archaic: Characteristic 3a: a quality or skill that fits a person [as for an office] [the applicant with the best __s] b: a condition or standard that must be complied with [as for the attainment of a privilege] [a __ for membership]
Qualify vb [MF qualifier, fr. ML qualificare, fr. L qualis] vt [1533] 1a: to reduce from a general to a particular or restricted form: Modify b: to make less harsh or strict: Moderate c: to alter the strength or flavor of d: to limit or modify the meaning of [as a noun] 2: to characterize by naming an attribute: Describe [cannot __ it as . . .either glad or sorry -T.S. Eliot] 3a: to fit by training, skill, or ability for a special purpose b [1]: to declare competent or adequate: Certify [2]: to invest with legal capacity: License -vi 1: to be or become fit [as for an office]: meet the required standard 2: to acquire legal or competent power or capacity [has just qualified as a lawyer] 3a: to exhibit a required degree of ability in a preliminary contest [qualified for the finals] b: to shoot well enough to earn a marksmanship badge
[Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Edition. Springfield, MA, USA: Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1995.]
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