Value, Worth imply intrinisic excellence or desirability. Value is the quality of anything that renders it desirable or useful. Worth implies esp. spiritual qualities of mind and character, or moral excellence
Visual Arts: relative lightness or darkness of a color : LUMINOSITY b: the relation of one part in a picture to another with respect to lightness and darkness.
Music: the relative duration of a musical note.
Value n. 1. attributed or relative worth, merit, or usefulness: the value of a college education; to set great value on an idea. 2. monetary worth: an increase in value. 3. equivalent worth or return. to expect value for money. 4. denomination, as of a monetary issue or postage stamp. 5. Math. a. magnitude: quantity; number represented by a figure, symbol, or the like: the value of x. b. a point in the range of a function; a point in the range corresponding to a given point in the domain of a function: the value of x2 at 2 is 4. 6. import or meaning, as of a word or expression. 7. values, ideals, customs, institutions, etc., that arouse an emotional response, for or against them in a given society or a given person. 8. Ethics. any object or quality desirable as a means or as an end in itself. 9. Fine Arts. a. degree of lightness or darkness in a color. b. the relation of light and shade in a painting, drawing, etc. 10. Music. the relative length or duration of a tone signified by a note. 11. Phonet. a. quality. b. the phonetic equivalent of a letter, as the sound of a in hat, sang, etc. -v.t. 12. to calculate or reckon the monetary value of; assess; appraise. 13. to consider with respect to worth, excellence, usefulness, or importance. 14. to regard or esteem highly. [ME < OF, n. use of p tp. fem of valoir < L valère to be worth].
-Syn. 1. utility. Value, Worth imply intrinisic excellence or desirability. Value is the quality of anything that renders it desirable or useful: the value of sunlight or good books. Worth implies esp. spiritual qualities of mind and character, or moral excellence: Few knew his true worth. 2. cost, price. 12. evaluate. 14. prize. See appreciate.
[Urdang, Laurence, ed. Random House Dictionary of The English Language. New York: Random House, 1968.]
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